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Bio-Groom Protein Lanolin Shampoo

Bio-Groom Protein Lanolin Shampoo

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Bio-Groom Protein Lanolin Shampoo

Direction For Use:

Wet pet’s hair thoroughly with warm water. Apply shampoo and work well through the coat. Rinse. This shampoo can be used as-is, or diluted with up to 4 parts water per 1 part shampoo.

Short Hair Breeds: Dry and brush the coat with a soft brush or wipe with a soft cloth to bring out luster.

Long Hair Breeds: Dry, then brush or comb.

Protein Lanolin is a sulfate-free, tearless dog shampoo

Baby-mild and coconut oil-based

Builds body, moisturizes, and brings out all coat colors

Quick, residue-free rinse

Absorbable soy protein strengthens hair from tip to roots

Free of parabens and artificial thickeners

Type 355 mL, Bottle PRICE (CAD) * $21.79 SALE QTY.
* Applicable shipping & taxes will be calculated at checkout
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