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For Cats and Kittens 8 weeks & older. If fleas have your cat scratching, Advantage will solve the problem quickly and easily. Advantage kills fleas, breaking the life cycle and killing adults before they can lay eggs. Advantage works on contact, no biting required. Fleas can be a real irritation, for you and your cat. But they don't have to be. Advantage is a safe, easy and effective way to protect your pet from bites and your home from flea infestation. Advantage is a simple way to protect your cat from flea bites and your home from flea infestations.
Advantage works fast, killing fleas and reducing annoying, itchy bites. Simple, monthly applications during warm weather months will control fleas and help prevent secondary problems like Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD). Advantage comes in a pre-measured applicator tube. Once applied, Advantage spreads on the surface of the skin to provide whole body flea protection.
* PetsDrugMart does not guarantee the efficacy of the product as many factors will affect the efficacy including the surrounding environment of the pet and the severity of the situation. Speak to your veterinarian to ensure this product is right for your pet. For more information on our return and exchange policy, click here.Â
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